Morning delight: banana pancakes

by | 22/09/15

Today I want to share with you one more recipe I'm in love with. Since I discovered them, I've been making all week: banana pancakes! They're so good it's hard to believe they're so healthy! And best of all, they are very easy to make and are ready in 5 minutes.

These pancakes are just like the American pancakes, soft and delicious. They do not have eggs in the dough, which are replaced by hydrated chia, which provides a lot of fiber, protein, omega 3 and also makes them extremely satisfying.

I used buckwheat or buckwheat flour, a grain widely consumed in Russia that does not contain gluten (found in health food stores or on here) so it got a darker color. This cereal is rich in magnesium, manganese, iron, besides containing more proteins than rice and being a great source of energy. If you prefer an easier option, brown rice flour or even oatmeal works very well.


Serve these pancakes for breakfast to your family, boyfriends, friends and don't tell anyone what the ingredients are. Then say the pancakes are vegan and gluten free. You will probably be called liars@!




1 cup buckwheat flour

2 ripe bananas

1/2 cup of water

½ cup almond or coconut flour (optional)

2 teaspoons of cinnamon

1 tablespoon of agave (optional)

1 pinch of pink salt

hydrated chia*

coconut oil (for cooking)


To go with:

Strawberries (preferably organic)

a tablespoon of molasses or agave (or honey for a non-vegan option)

cocoa nibs

Flax seeds



* Hydrated chia: in a cup add 1 tablespoon of chia and 3 tablespoons of water and set aside for 2 or 3 minutes, until you get a gelatinous consistency.

1-Add all ingredients except coconut oil to a food processor or blender. Mix until you get a smooth mixture.

2- Heat a non-stick skillet and when hot add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Put an average of one to two tablespoons of the mixture and spread in the desired shape. Wait for it to brown, which takes an average of 2 minutes, see if the pancake is cooked on the bottom and turn it over to brown on the other side. Remove from the pan when ready and repeat the process.

3- Add the accompaniments you are using and serve!

Makes approximately 8 medium pancakes. If you want a smaller portion, you can store what's left of the raw dough in the fridge and make it the next day.

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  1. Denis

    My pancakes didn't stick. I ended up making a cake with the dough.

    • dramarcella

      Hi Dennis!

      Maybe it was a lot of water. You can try it next time with less water or more flour 😉


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