8 tips to restore your balance with a detox

by | 28/04/15

Waking up feeling light and refreshed is the result you can have after a detox. After I shared my liquid detox day in this post, many people were interested in doing it too, so today I will share with you information that I think is important to know before starting.

Ingesting so many natural foods in veritable cocktails of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients gives your body an opportunity to cleanse and eliminate what is not doing you well. As benefits, you can experience increased energy levels, radiant skin, strong hair and nails, strengthening the immune system, easy and quick absorption of nutrients, as well as promoting a rest for your digestive system, decreasing fluid retention and eliminating that. extra weight.

Here are some tips that have been helpful to me when I do a detox:

1- Get ready: at least 3 days before starting, adopt a diet without processed foods, soft drinks, fried foods and sugar. This preparation is important for your body not to be shocked and the lack of these substances to cause more intense reactions, such as headaches, nausea or dizziness (which can happen mildly due to the increase of toxins released into the blood).

2 -Use organic foods as much as possible – you don't want pesticides and pesticides as the main ingredient in your detox, right?

3 -Use superfoods like chia, flaxseed, maca and wheat chlorophyll: they ensure you get high amounts of nutrients from just one food. Chia, for example, which contains approximately 20% of high biological value proteins, is rich in omega 3 and fiber that will help clean toxins from your digestive system and provide quality energy.

4 – Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, such as water, coconut water and teas: your body needs water to eliminate the toxins that are being released into the bloodstream during detox, so if there is little H2O intake these toxins will remain in your body causing damage. You can start your day with a cup of warm water with lemon squeezed to wake up your digestive system. Some teas, like green tea, hibiscus and ginger, are my favorite options and have high antioxidant properties that help boost detox.

5 – Prepare yourself mentally: during this day, you will be doing something you are not used to, so it is normal to want to give up in the middle of the day, or to have an irresistible urge to eat all kinds of food – it is common to start to remember foods that are “foot in jack” such as pasta, sandwiches, brigadeiro in the pan – don't give up! Keep your commitment to you and be firm.

6 – Practice light to moderate physical activity: a walk or yoga are some alternatives that combine very well with a detox because they activate the blood circulation, enhancing the detox process, in addition to relaxing and making you feel good.

7 – Go to bed early: the night, at least for me, is the most difficult period of the day. When the body starts to get tired and sleepy, it's normal to send out hunger signals to try to get more energy. So, the golden tip is to go to bed early to escape temptation. While you're sleeping, your body will take control of the detox, so it's important to get a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep. The next day, you will notice that the dark circles have also diminished.

8 – Keep in mind that this won't last forever: people weren't made to live on juice alone. Drinking juice for a day is a great way to add extra nutrients and minerals to your diet, but your digestive system is built to work. A rest now and then is important, but just as the mind needs to stay active to sustain a high level of performance, so are other processes such as digestion.

I hope this post was helpful! Remember that it is very important to know your body, know your limits and respect them. The goal is to feel good! If it's too much discomfort for you to drink only fluids for a day, that's fine. Be sure to give it a try!

Maybe next time you'll be better prepared?

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