What did our ancestors eat in the cave age?

by | 23/02/15

As promised in the last post, today the theme is the Paleolithic Diet, also known as the Paleo or Primal diet, which is based on the belief that our cave ancestors had a diet that resulted in optimal health. This includes meat, fish, vegetables, wild fruits, eggs, nuts, and more.

The objective of the Paleo approach is to consume foods that cavemen consumed millions of years ago, before the cultivation of grains and vegetables and well before the invention of packaged and processed foods. According to diet proponents, if it's something a caveman wouldn't eat, then modern people shouldn't eat it either.

Some followers of this approach choose to emphasize vegetables and minimize meat; however, all Paleolithic followers emphasize organic meats and grass-fed animals. Although present, fruits are limited, since the frequency with which they were found during this period is considered low compared to today.

Vigorous exercise such as cross-fit is also strongly recommended, and dieters are encouraged to eat only when they are really hungry, and to ensure a good amount of daily sun exposure to get vitamin D.

Unfortunately here in Brazil organic meats are very expensive and not accessible to everyone and, with the busy life we lead, we don't have time to be exposed to the sun for several hours every day.

The main message is: always keep in mind that there is no one right diet for everyone. We have to find which foods make us unique as individuals in the world. Some can benefit greatly from the Paleolithic diet, and others from a vegan diet. I have been doing very well with predominantly vegan diets and yoga.

What is working for you? Could you follow Paleolithic?

If you got curios@ to learn more about Paleo or have any other questions, please don't hesitate to comment below or send an e-mail.



  1. Laura

    I think I could try. Eliminating processed foods would be good for everyone and every diet. It's the best way.. But particularly I would miss the fruits very much, as they have been my strong allies against the desire to eat sweets. I loved the post!!!

  2. dramarcella

    Of course, I don't see my life without fruit either!

    Thank you Laura!


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